Digital Assistant: Introducing Speech Recognition

This year at the Singapore Airshow, AIR Lab unveiled its latest Proof-of-Concept that aims to revolutionize the working ways of air traffic controllers – the Digital Assistant. Developed in close collaboration with Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), Thales and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Digital Assistant leverages on speech recognition technology to automate processes and streamline operations, eliminating the need for manual data entry of commands.

Air traffic controllers play a critical role – they help planes take off and land safely and circumvent bad weather, they de-conflict the increasingly congested air traffic, and they also tend to emergencies on-ground and in the air. With Digital Assistant, they need not worry about manually keying in data when communicating with pilots on planes and can now focus on what they do best – keeping skies safe.

As Digital Assistant also leverages on machine learning and artificial intelligence to interpret and analyse command patterns, this allows for many future possibilities and paves way for innovative digital technologies to support cognitive decisions in air traffic management.

Learn more about Digital Assistant and see it live in action as demonstrated by Thales Research & Technology Innovation Director, Gan Yung Sze.

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